
Natural Gas

Natural gas markets are inherently unpredictable. You need a gas buying strategy that will control costs within your risk tolerance.


Conventional wisdom holds that energy buyers are supposed to know when to lock in a favourable price. But a buying strategy that depends on consistently foreseeing the timing and direction of market movements cannot succeed in the long run.

JUPITER knows that price risk management costs money, and the way to minimize costs while controlling price risk is to buy only as much risk management as you need. JUPITER starts by helping you understand your organization’s tolerance for risk, and then works with you to develop a gas buying strategy that will control costs within that risk tolerance, at a known confidence level, and at least cost.

JUPITER’s sector-leading best practices for significant gas buyers include:

  • Establishing practical energy budgets and implementing a plan to control costs within the budget, using our proprietary RiskSensor methodology
  • Developing reliable procurement strategies
  • Sourcing multiple suppliers to ensure competitive buying processes
  • Aligning our processes and deliverables with your existing procurement processes and policies
  • Providing timely reports that help you manage a key input cost

JUPITER’s clients gain the economic and quality benefits of outsourcing with the workflow efficiencies of an in-house department with 7 x 24 support. Our business processes for advisory and support in energy procurement operate within a Quality Management System that is registered to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. OECM has recognized JUPITER as a Platinum supplier partner for natural gas advisory services.

Read Jupiter's Weekly Natural Gas Review and Outlook

  • Market analysis, regulatory surveillance
  • Energy supplier selection and contracting
  • Risk tolerance and risk management strategy with RiskSensor
  • Budgeting, forecasting and reporting on costs and consumption
  • Rate class analysis and optimization
  • Supply administration: Supply scheduling, load balancing, monthly cost and usage reporting
  • Supplier and utility invoice verification and dispute resolution
  • Generation project risk and economic assessment
  • Gas supply planning for generators
  • Support for thermal and electricity sales agreements
  • Generator dispatch algorithms, to optimize revenues